What's so great about life?

2015-10-02 10:32 am
I just feel like i am existing, but for what point? I don't feel like there is a point in life anymore. We all die someday, and when we do, we have no memory to this life and our experiences will be lost. We are born and we die, why not skip the middle part? Its not like we would regret it the moment we are dead. There isn't really any reason to go through with life if everything will be lost the moment we die right? I am not enjoying the middle part anyway..

Because i am depressed a lot, i usually have low energy levels which makes it harder to just exist. I feel like it cost more trouble to live then i would gain anything from life. Like, i think i would pass the opportunity to be alive if i was given a choice before i was born. I always have this emptiness inside of me that does not go away no matter what.

The only reason i would not consider taking my own life is because i don't want to hurt my family.. Should i just stick around for them? I also still have this hope 1 day things will be better. But the older i get, the more my hopes begin to cease.

So what makes life so great and why are you happy to be alive?

BTW: Please no Godish answers. I sought God with everything i had in me and He still would not fill my emptiness, i don't believe in Him anymore. (That not being the only reason, at all)

Thanks for the answers, it was hard for me to pick the best one between angel and north. Both answers were great and helpfull. Bless both of you. @D: It tells me i love my family to much to put them through anything like that. And i still hope somewhere inside that there is more meaning to life and that i will someday find my purpose (if there is such a thing) @Anonymous: Both of us need to just keep going and hope for the best i guess. I hope you find the answers i got helpfull too. Take care

回答 (5)

2015-10-02 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would just like to say that I enjoy life because I love my near and dear ones and they love me. I try to enjoy every possible moment of life because although we don't remember anything the moment we die, but at least, we have full lifetime to remember and cherish the lovely moments of life. I know that sometimes, situations are tough and spirit breaking, but that is the spice of life that we remember and laugh at after everything becomes alright. there is a difference between existing and being alive. Be adventurous, hilarious, make friends, enjoy different cuisines, be a little crazy sometimes. try to identify the motive of life, live yourself and support a cause, help others, as there are many others whose life is even tougher. try to talk and share your opinions, find a hobby or something that you enjoy doing. try to fight back with depression and stick to your family. talk to them. fill the emptiness by making some good friends and talking to someone, maybe start writing a diary. life is great or worthless only as per the circumstances. live it to the fullest.
all the best and be healthy and be happy
2015-10-02 12:03 pm
Why are we here? I believe to learn through experience so that we may grow, heal and love. I believe we do not have just one life but many lifetimes so these experiences add up over time. That life is meant to be enjoyed. Have you sought medical answers for your depression? The key is to find that one thing you enjoy, even if it's something small and nurture that enjoyment. Look forward to it and slowly expand that to other areas. A small spark can ignite an eternal flame. Do your best in each moment, even if that is only surviving until the next moment. When you keep trying, keep reaching you will find better moments. Be thankful for the things you do have. Help others in some way as you will also be helping yourself in the process. We all have choices in this world so choose the direction you want your life to go in and keep working on it, in time you will get there. You can do it. Take Care.
2015-10-02 10:42 am
I wanna skip the middle part too and I also have low energy levels. I just hope for tomorrow .
2015-10-02 1:17 pm
Your argument makes sense, and yet you're still here. What does that tell you?
2015-10-06 12:06 pm
The greatest part is that you can experience it, feel it, explore it.
You hold the power to ultimate greatness.

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