How should I talk to this girl?

2015-10-02 5:15 am
(23 Male) I'm in a college class with her and we haven't spoken yet. She doesn't speak to anyone. She seems quiet and or shy. I find her really pretty and would like to get to know her. Should I just talk to her when I go inside the class? Or should I talk to her in the hallway while we wait for the teacher to open the classroom. Either way I think it will be easier to talk to her since no one else has yet. Also would do you think would be a good first thing to talk about? Thanks!

回答 (1)

2015-10-02 5:22 am
in class or hallway doesn't really matter, just make sure it's a good timing. well, the first thing would be to introduce urself since u said u haven't spoken to her yet.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 19:01:26
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