what happens if you dont pay a city citation for tall grass?

2015-10-01 8:32 pm

回答 (6)

2015-10-01 8:38 pm
They will give you a few months to pay but, will add late fees and penalties and they will lien the house. After several months, they will likely foreclose on your house. There are certain institutions you do not play games with - The IRS, the federal government, state government, county and city.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2015-10-01 8:34 pm
they fine you repeatedly until you cut it
2015-10-01 8:33 pm
They will fine you even more.
2015-10-01 10:31 pm
Depends on the city. But they can take you to court and throw you in jail.
2015-10-01 8:36 pm
Late fees, and they come and cut it and charge you or keep tacking on fines.
2015-10-01 8:36 pm
They will fine you, send someone to cut the grass for you, and then charge you for that as well. It would be much cheaper to hire someone to cut your grass if you are unable to do so yourself.

Isn't it great that the government is so far into your life that they can force you to cut your grass?


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