Why does there need to be a point to life?

2015-10-01 4:24 pm
I hear all kinds of people go an about how this is the point of life or that is the point of life. And then people get all depressed when they realize life is pointless. I just don't understand why people have this idea in there heads that life NEEDS a point. Why does it matter?

回答 (12)

2015-10-01 4:54 pm
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We want to feel that our life is meaningful and has a purpose. We want to believe that we aren't here just to take up space for a few years and then expire. I, for one, feel better knowing that my presence on earth can make a difference through my intelligence, perseverance and humanity.
2015-10-01 6:00 pm
Most people feel like it only makes sense to have some reason for the things they do.

If one does things for no reason, they are considered insane.
2015-10-01 5:54 pm
It matters because there is a heaven or hell at the end and if you blow it, you are going to have a miserable eternity.
參考: The Gospel of John (recommended reading)
2015-10-03 6:42 am
I believe that it depends on the persons morals and beliefs. Obviously, they can change over time, but, if you are a person who loves life and respects the gifts you've been given, then you are probably going to want to spread that around and say that life should having meaning and that you're here for a reason. On the opposing hand, if you don't respect life, for various reasons, then yes, youll think that life is pointless.
2015-10-02 9:12 pm
It doesn't, it is our own life, and we give it meaning at our discretion. If you think life should have meaning that is your choice, and carries no weight of responsibility on anyone else to follow suit.
2015-10-02 12:16 pm
There doesn't.
2015-10-02 12:36 am
If there are points of meaning, then missing them is not good.

Related: "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You," "Man, Master of His Destiny," "For Couples Only."
2015-10-01 10:30 pm
Because it's a curious question. Why are we here and why do we do the things we do. It matters because sometimes it makes no sense. Apparently there is a reason for everything, so then our existence and consciousness has an answer, and knowing what that is is brain wrecking!!!
2015-10-01 6:54 pm
There you go. Each life has a different meaning. You take care of yours, and I'll take care of mine.

Now lets keep this our own personal secret Ssshhh.
2015-10-01 9:15 pm
To Minister and Help others.
2015-10-01 5:09 pm
1) First of all one should try to know the absolute truth. For this purpose he should struggle hard. Because some people get this knowledge only at the end of their life.
2) Secondly one should try to achieve perfection in all walks of life. I mean he should practice what he has learned so far. He should not like to preach that which he is not practicing. Here lies the two main points. Rest of the things. It is for the subjective minds of individuals to exercise their brain judiciously. Take it as a research subject.
參考: compiled.
2015-10-01 4:34 pm
people are kind of logical thinking monkeys, so most people want a logical reason to exist. there isnt one, but creating or pursuing your own personal motivation is pretty fulfilling. a lot of the dilemmas come up when people realise that the collective reasons dont apply to them.

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