How would u respond to this? My son told me it just hurts him more when I punish him for being bullied. So I told him I'd sell the house.?

2015-10-01 2:08 am
He told me it's not fair that I punish him for being bullied since he's the victim. He told me that when I punish him for being bullied, it just makes him more and more upset. So I told him I'm going to sell the house, so that he doesn't have a place to live! And not to worry because he won't see me anymore and we can go our separate ways.

Did I do the right thing by making calls to sell the house, so that my son won't have a place to live, and I will?

回答 (13)

2015-10-07 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'm going to suggest you save the realtor fees and instead make an anonymous call to child services (be sure not to tell them who is calling) and report yourself. That way they will come take your son because you don't seem to have a clue about proper parenting.
2015-10-01 2:45 am
You need to invest in parenting classes, you have no clue.
2015-10-05 6:11 pm
I'm really hoping this is all bull**** because other than that you are a really cruel person.
2015-10-01 9:47 pm
Did you did you do the right thing? No. You did the opposite of what you should have.

Your son came to you telling you he was being bullied. He shared his feelings that it hurts him when he gets in trouble for being a victim. Instead of listening to him and comforting him, you added stress to his life. You said you would abandon your son! How was that supposed to help him in any way? Think about it.

What you need to do is solve the bullying issue. If he is being bullied, talk to his teachers, his principles. Maybe they can help. If the can't help, maybe he needs to move schools. SUPPORT HIM. Show him you care. Try to figure something out.

I'd get him a counselor or psychologist. He needs someone he can talk to, because clearly he can't talk to you without you doing the total opposite thing you should have done. Even if you two work on your communication, he should still speak with a counselor or psychologist.

YOU are bullying your son. YOU are adding stress to his life. Honestly, I hope you are a troll.
2015-10-01 3:51 am
I am sure you are a troll and not some heartless parent who bullies their own child.
2015-10-05 11:08 pm
You are a really bad parent
2015-10-03 1:27 pm
It would be less disruptive to send the kid to some unarmed self defense classes. You know, martial arts or boxing. And some acting classes so that he can learn what "I am not afraid of you" looks like.

I know you are trolling, but just in case someone else is punching their kid around for being a victim, I left some advice.
2015-10-02 7:54 pm
look at you people, youre criticizing him for bullying his son and you are doing the exact same thing to him! Sir, I think I understand what you are attempting to do but its a little bit too harsh. I'm 49yo and grew up in Chicago where if you didn't want to be a victim you had to stand up for yourself. I think that's the message youre trying to get across to your son. The other critics are right, you are bullying him but its not the way to get him to defend himself. Fighting is always the last resort but unfortunately sometimes its our only choice. Like I stated before, I grew up in Chicago and kind of a smaller kid. I used to get the **** kicked out of me on a weekly basis. I hated going to school, I was shy and quite honestly, scared. Finally, one day I came home all messed up and my mom finally had enough. Talking to the school is pointless, the teachers and faculty don't give a **** back then AND now. Trying to talk my way out of getting beat up only made it worse, so my mom enrolled me in Tae Kwon Do. That was the best thing my mom could have ever done for me. It made me more confident, I started to make friends and after several fights, the bullying stopped. Now by no means am I saying he should start kicking everyones *** because that just makes him as bad as the others but sometimes when you have no other choice, youre backed into a wall with no where to go, you have 2 choices, let them kick your *** and hope its fast or you can show them you are not scared anymore and can put a good hurtin on them. Since them I am not a victim and my life is pretty damn good. go give your boy a hug, tell him you ****** up and see what he wants to do about it. don't get mad if you don't like his answer but calmly suggest an other alternative. Im sure he will agree. good luck.
2015-10-01 2:22 am
if he is really getting bullied , then i think you are putting way to much pressure on the kid , try to take the pressure off of him , i think that is the way to go
2015-10-19 6:50 pm
2015-10-10 12:10 am
Why would you pick on him for being bullied. That's horrible! I put my 7 year old in mma. She's more confident now. You don't dserve to be a parent.
2015-10-02 10:05 pm
No! Your son is in trouble with the bullies and you, as a parent need to stand up with him and help him with this issue!
2015-10-08 5:07 pm
You're a retard.

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