How long to wait for a proposal?

2015-09-30 10:03 pm
My boyfriend and I have been together for three years and we also bought a house together. He knows I do not want to wait much longer but he never hints at marriage and gets mad when I hint around about marriage.... When should I start to question our relationship? / give up?

回答 (5)

2015-09-30 10:14 pm
Before you bought the house. Don't hint about marriage, talk to him about it...have an open and honest conversation.
2015-09-30 10:04 pm
honestly If you love someone and really do truly love them, there should be no reason to break up/leave because he won't propose to you, I feel your relationship isn't serious judging from what you said.
2015-09-30 10:09 pm
Hint that you want to sell your half of the house. When he asks why just say "I was thinking I'd like to move out now." Don't elaborate on that, just let him wonder why you want to leave. If he kicks you out then you know you were never going to get a proposal.

Why buy the whole cow when you get the milk for free ? ? ? ! You can adopt the attitude: Why buy the whole pig when you can get the sausage for free. Shake him up. Make him think you're going to leave. Don't mention marriage ever again. Just let him draw whatever conclusion he wants to. He'll probably think it's about marriage, but you didn't say so. And if he accuses you of that just reaffirm you want to move out. Don't let him drag you into an argument about marriage, that's his terms. Keep it neutral. He won't know what's going on. And if he can't propose then it's probably a good thing you sell your half of the house.

I wonder if you can put half of a house on the market. In other words, sell your share. So he ends up owning a house with a stranger. Boy wouldn't that make him uncomfortable.

Hope this helps.

Proud father of FIVE girls. WAY TOO MANY YEARS experience.
2015-09-30 10:10 pm
never wait for what you want, you have to just go out a go for it. if he says no or gets upset with you for wanting to get serious.. 1. hes not ready. 2. marriage isnt something he wants. 3. he doesnt want to marry you. either way i think you should just see how he really feels if it doesnt match up with how you feel then i think you know what to do. give up
2015-09-30 10:12 pm
3 years isn't that long, even if you do have a house together etc. He is maybe not ready for it now. Ive been with my boyfriend for 6 years now and we only talking about engagement and marriage now. Don't give up, if you love him you will wait. It will happen, be patient, the worse thing you can do is start asking him, and putting pressure on it.

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