Is everything in life about money in the end?

2015-09-30 10:01 pm
Is that what every relationship and action in life boils down to?

This isn't a personal finance question. Please don't abuse your privilege of moving the questions around.


Look, you aren't smart. You just don't have anything better to do, and it's pathetic. I'm level 7, too.

回答 (23)

2015-09-30 10:12 pm
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You can simplify everything in life down to some specific. Money and sex are the two easiest ones to make important -- sex because it's a drive that seems to be in everyone, money because it appears as a way of surviving in the modern world.

But, in an evolutionary sense, the whole thing is about survival of the species first, and survival of the individual second (although individual survival is more important to the individual). so, Life is about defining purpose. Purpose is about need (need of the individual, need of other individuals, need of the community). And then living on purpose.

All relationships and actions fit with purpose, and that's about choosing which of the three main needs you want to fulfill -- power (control over choices) and sex (procreation) are the means of achieving purpose.
2015-09-30 10:44 pm
Only to the foolish materialist. The glass of water is far more valuable than the diamond.

The materialist is attracted to shiny objects. His only guide is gain. He is not driven by wisdom, nor by honor, but by gain. He surrounds himself with fanciful things to compensate for his inner emptiness. His happiness is short lived. He endlessly needs more. His greed is insatiable. He is not guided by reason.

The purpose of life is to develop self knowledge. This knowledge is incapable of being understood by one who is driven by money and gain. Truth can not be obtained by the ego. The ego is only concerned with itself.

The principle of the Spirit has been replaced by arithmetical calculations and material needs. In the end, you will be judged by how you treated others.
2016-05-17 9:42 pm
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2015-10-02 3:46 am
NO i don't think so. Yes you need money for surviving in the world but you can't gain satisfaction with it at your dying time so i think what your heart says is the thing you might want to choose rather than your brain before the end of your life.
2015-10-01 10:09 pm
Everything in life is about survival of the genes. It's about being content and happy both physically and mentally.
2015-10-01 5:18 am
A man runs into the burning house of a stranger to rescue the strangers child where is the profit in that .In the 9/11 twin towers story there were 4men entered the building to save people the ones they saved got out ,the 4 died wheres the profit in that A surfer was being attacked by a big shark another surfer went to help him .Who swims towards an attacking shark wheres the profit in that Have faith in the human race even when the media is full of the bad things . Just hope that one is around when you need one
2015-10-01 12:29 am
If you look at it robotically and objectively, yes.

CEOs knowing this do everything they can to squeeze every last penny out of something that they can.

I mean objectivity and science are dominated by numbers... and so money would be that unit of measure since it is used to denote value and used to exchange for things we need (or want).
2015-09-30 10:51 pm
No, something has to drive people to want it first. If you dig deeper there's always a reason why people want it. The pursuit of money is really the pursuit of the feeling you believe it will give you. If you're young, you'll want money for the feeling of independence. If you have kids it's the feeling of being able to take care of your family. If you're competitive it's the feeling of impressing people. Every action and relationship in life comes down to how you feel, money just brings stuff into your life you think you need in order to get to that feeling you want. That's why money itself can't make you happy, the only thing about money that can make you happy is how it makes you feel, not the stuff you buy with it.
2015-09-30 10:45 pm
It's really more about health first. If someone lost their good health I bet they would rather be poor with good health as money can't buy good health. Money comes second. People change jobs for a bigger income. Marriages are broken because of financial problems BUT marriages also dissolve because of of huge incomes and no financial problems. Spouses seem to get greedy and stop appreciating each other and what they share. It's kind of a double edged sword sort of like be careful what you wish for. I knew of someone once who hit the lottery big time and it messed his life up. His life actually changed for the worse.
2015-09-30 10:37 pm
Money is the lubricant of societal finance. A car without gas and oil goes nowhere. If all you care about is filling the tank and checking the oil then a car is wasted on you.

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