Is online schooling good for me?

2015-09-30 4:42 pm
I have terrible anxiety and depression from going to school. I am at a charter school and there is only 22 people in each of my classes and the class sizes are still too big for me. I hate being called on in class I just stand there shaking and almost start crying. I cant handle it. I feel like online school would be way better. Yeah, it might be harder, but it would be better for me and my health, as well. Any suggestions?

回答 (1)

2015-09-30 5:02 pm
i took some online classes when i was in college, mainly for availability. it may or may not be harder then in person, it depends on the class. i still had papers to write and submit online, and tests to take online as well, along with other projects. nothing different then being in an actual classroom.

talk to a counselor at your school and parents / family if you're having a hard time in school. they maybe able to get some other type of counseling to help with your anxiety and give you methods to help in class.

tell your teacher. does your teacher know you have anxiety? your teacher could help you one on one after class hours with work or talking in front of class as well.

good luck.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 11:16:30
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