What are some of the basic ideas of those who subscribe to the "biological evolution" theory of human origins"?

2015-09-30 4:23 pm

回答 (4)

2015-09-30 4:27 pm
"Survival of the fittest" Those with advantageous characteristics are more likely to reproduce and be around to care for their young so such traits are more likely to be passed on and increase in the population.
2015-10-01 11:26 pm
The primary "basic idea" is that they have an open-minded comprehension of the overwhelming scientific evidence that establishes that human origins are due to biological evolution. Subscribing to any other notion of human origins is delusional.
2015-09-30 10:31 pm
My main idea, being a subscriber to the evolutionist idea, is that all those who support it don't charge me a subscription fee, while those who deny it regularly try to do so.
2015-09-30 5:11 pm
The principles of human evolution are no different to the evolution of any other living organisms. There are plenty of online sources explaining the basic concepts (either as general ideas or in detail), I suggest that you search for one that explains things at the most detailed level you can understand.

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