I get home and feel worse than at school?

2015-09-30 2:41 pm

I am a really anxious person diagnosed with mild socio/pathopathic traits and behaviors. I am going back to psychopharms today and will see whether I start feeling better. I just feel like home isn't really HOME; a place to relax, feel welcome, and just alive...

回答 (1)

2015-09-30 3:04 pm
This is what is called a simple, plain and smooth sentence. If you still consider that it is due to some sort of your mental health problems, please take some drastic steps in right direction immediately without fail. Please don't beat around the bush without targeting your main aim, goal or objectives in life.

Cut the root causes for your anxieties. It may be due to some misbehavior or wrong habit. Please verify. It is called "snake fault" or SARPA DOSHAM in Sanskrit language. You can ward off such things. For this purpose,you have to consult a priest or an astrologer in India.

In future when you enter your home, think big with a broad mind. Never think anything below the hip. Then only you land in such serious doubts, confusions, suspicion or fear.
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