Do you think auto-tune is appropriate among artists today?

2015-09-30 1:41 pm

回答 (6)

2015-09-30 6:32 pm
Yes,they don't sing well
2015-09-30 5:58 pm
NO, it's garbage and should be banned!
That is of course unless you can't actually sing.
2015-09-30 5:02 pm
Sure if its used properly. Autotuning is a tool just like a turn table or for a musician its instrument. But if you abuse it and use it improperly than no. Auto tuning at least among my friends seems to be a taboo subject, but it can enhance the song and make it unique. I mean it can help do stuff that a singer may not be able to do naturally. So yes but only in certain circumstances.
2015-09-30 3:13 pm
I hate artificial music... I even go back and listen to early recordings of songs because I typically prefer them over the studio versions, I like hearing the real thing.
2015-09-30 2:52 pm
No because it gives the illusion that people have more talent than they actually have. have. I guess its okay if singers with actual ability use it for an effect to enhance a song but even then I think it's still being overused. I prefer natural singers even if they miss a note now and then.
2015-09-30 1:48 pm
If you want to use autotune, then use it. Yes, it's nice to be able to tune by ear, but a lot of people can't do that. Yes, it's nice to have a different guitar for every tuning you will use during your set, but many people cannot afford that and re-tuning the guitars for an alternate tuning takes time out of your set.

OTOH, if you are auto-tuning, then everyone else will have to tune to you. Just because you have autotune, doesn't mean that the guitar is exactly tuned.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:43:39
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