Arranging an interview, but don't want to be annoying?

2015-09-30 11:44 am
So i want to do a short interview with my friend's dad for school. And so i ask my friend when would her dad be ok for me to interview, and she said on sunday, but she will ask for the place later. And so today, i met her and i ask again, but she still didn't give me an exact time and place, but she said she will ask for me. I don't want to keep asking and be annoying, but i really need to know in order to do the interview. What should i do?

回答 (7)

2015-09-30 12:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should have asked her father directly, and spoken with him.

Either he hasn't given her an answer yet, or she doesn't want you to interview him.

Never go through a third party. Try calling her house when her parents are home, ask for her Dad, and say something like, "I know _____ has probably already asked you, but I was wondering what time would be convenient for me to interview you on Sunday."

Chances are, he knows nothing about it. If he does, and says he'll get back to you, *that's* when you wait -- until he tells you.
2015-09-30 12:35 pm
You will have to get in touch with him yourself. Ask him if he would be kind enough to let you interview him for about xx minutes, and whether Sunday, at his house, would be convenient, and if so what time. Then go armed with all the questions you want to ask, and make sure you make clear notes of his replies.
2015-09-30 3:08 pm
You need to contact the person you are interviewing directly. Going through a third person is cumbersome and annoying.
2015-09-30 2:20 pm
You should stop working through your friend as a middleman. You should call her father directly and ask and, if he agrees, set up the meeting with him.
2015-09-30 11:58 pm
i would ask someone else to do the interview since it dont sound like hes interested in doing it
2015-09-30 4:36 pm
You ask her father and stop using you friend as a middle man.
2015-09-30 4:15 pm
tell your friend that you really need a confirmation of time. if she doesnt give you one, turn up on sunday and tell her dad that she had made an appointment for him

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