Is it ok to blame a person for their problems?

2015-09-30 10:56 am
Eventhough this person is doing everything to change their situation? Does this show lack of empathy and understandin?

回答 (7)

2015-09-30 5:39 pm
No,unless they did something wrong to get themselves in the situation.
It is easy to tell people they made their own problems when you never
were in the other person's shoes.
2015-10-04 10:46 am
Most people are idiots, they're only good at finding & putting blame than giving solutions.. At the end of it all it never really matters who's to blame
2015-09-30 2:16 pm
Depends.... some situations you can blame them and some you can't....

examples when its your fault
(1) when your boyfriend dumps you, its your fault coz getting into a relationship in the first place..
(2) when you're lazy and dont have money to eat, its your fault for being lazy in the first place..

examples when its not your fault
(3) you're a disabled person since birth and no one wants to help you..
(4) when a company rejects your job interview because of the way you look..

point here is its not your fault if you were born that way.. it is your fault if you can do something about it but didnt...
2015-09-30 1:34 pm
Depends entirely on the circumstances. Some people indulgently create problems for themselves. Other times people get jammed up by circumstance or conditions beyond their control. It depends entirely on the circumstances.
2015-09-30 12:03 pm
Situations and factors beyond your control aren't your fault, but people will say it is because they don't know how else to explain what is happening to you. They most likely are not in your circumstances and just assume that if they did it you can.
2015-09-30 11:47 am
No. Do not blame anyone even if it's their problem. These people are hurt more than you think & blaming them will hurt them more. It's easy to put blame on others without understanding the situations nor their feelings. So I suggest you not to put blame on anyone.

You said the person is doing everything to change the situations which means that they're hurt & feels anxious. Many of them are unable to sleep at night regretting about their situations.

There are also some who puts blame on themselves so I suggest you not to blame them too because there are high chances that they'll get hurt more. Except for few who can handle their own situations and are ok to be blamed.

Yes it shows lack of empathy & understanding because you're putting the blame on people rudely and do not understand their situations neither their feelings. Don't put blame on them, just advice them & tell them that everything will be alright & that they can learn from their situations etc.
參考: Strengthen their hearts! Do not weaken it because they'll get more anxious then they are.
2015-09-30 11:00 am
Psychologically 'blame' is a waste of time, because it's not responsibility, it's not a solution, it's a very childish version of saying: 'Not my fault'.

So it's not okay, it's a very contentious(trying to pick a fight) statement, that does little more than make everybody feel a little worse.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:25:34
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