請翻譯下面的句子 and what does the mean of ''the tax reporting line of fire''?

2015-09-30 10:23 am
Raising exemptions takes people at the bottom of the income scale off移去the tax rolls and, ideally, the tax reporting line of fire. It would also reduce taxes for the middle class.

回答 (4)

2015-10-02 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
line of fire這句英語世界的phrase是指受攻擊的對象或處境。

在這段中的意思是"前述的改變"把某些人排除出報稅的打擊對象之列(take someone off the line of fire)。意思即「新稅制便影響不到他們了」。
2015-11-25 2:04 pm
2015-10-02 8:22 am
Thank you very much.
2015-10-01 1:51 am
(Raising exemptions) takes (people at the bottom of the income scale) off (the tax rolls and, ideally, the tax reporting line of fire).
(提高 "免稅額") 把 (低收入納稅人) 移出於(納稅人名單,更理想的是,連申報都免了).

It (would also reduce) (taxes for the middle class).
它還可以讓 連 中產階級 都減到稅.

1.the tax reporting line of fire = (像)"報稅"醬的危險動作.

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