Does the mind have categories?

2015-09-30 6:42 am

回答 (53)

2015-09-30 6:54 am
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Does the mind have categories?

~~~ ALL 'categories' exist in thought/imagination.
All 'this' not 'that' (duality/identity) exists in the imagination/ego.
In the imagination, we categorize the categories, ad infinitum, or ad-Enlightenment! *__-
ALL 'identity' exists in the imagination/mind/thoughts.
Sans 'thought'... *__-
2015-09-30 9:42 am
Categories are something we invent to order our lives into manageable parts, but in the way you mean, yes. Broadly conscious and subconcious, but there are many sub divisions. Specialisations categorise the parts of the mind (generally as functional blocks) in order to understand and exchange detail on the concept of mind.

AI hasn't fully grasped the concept of using context in the same way as our mind does, it's simply another way of categorising information. Memory is much the same.
2015-09-30 10:20 am
There is no such thing as "mind."

Our brain is a physical thing. And our brain is part of our entire body. Our bodies are receiving data from outside the environment, as well as internally regulating things automatically. Our consciousness is the mental interplay between sensation and the perception of sensation, combined with the perception that we are sensing, and the sensing that we are perceiving, like two mirrors held up to each other, giving the illusion of permanence and an infinite number of reflections down an infinite hallway, all resting upon a phenomena we call "memory," which is just a physical neuronal pathway that slowly changes as we age.

That's consciousness. We sense we're perceiving, and we perceive that we are sensing, and when you combine those two things…

You get funny people like me. Ha.
2015-10-03 8:43 pm
Well as im speaking from first hand experience of me going under a forced full mind swap by people who I will keep quiet for now, the mind has got categories that can be individually altered opened or closed from 100% open to minus 100% closed and all aspects of the mind's eye switched on or off and manipulated in ways that are hard to explain as of this very moment my mind is on the off state (no thoughts no minds eye absolutely blank and totally silent) every aspect of my brain has been switched on to a 100% state the whole brain working all together and has been turned totally off whilst bit by bit on the turn off each section was being transported onto a brain support system so it can be "remotely controlled"from outside of the brain has any one got any questions or queries on my very open mind literally . from head strong man w.p
參考: Personal experience
2015-10-01 6:59 pm
The mind and brain remain mysterious only due to our lack of knowledge and understanding. As with other mysteries, our pursuit of answers continues to show how little we know and how much remains to learn. There may be categories or compartments of the mind, but the evidence is far from conclusive and fraught with contradiction.
2015-09-30 7:09 pm
If you mean your perception of the world, and how you make sense of it, sure your mind has categories, or "drawers", as the late Sigmund Freund used to put it in his wonderful native language, Austrian German:
"etwas in Schubladen einordnen"
"to sort something into drawers"
that's what we all do in our minds.

Sadly, old Siggi had no idea of modern information technology; otherwise he would have identified what our brain does as "pattern matching". He understood pretty well that our brain tries to match patterns from the past with current perception and derive rules of behavior from former experience; he just lived at a time where they didn't even have the word "neuroscience". -- And even now, it's impossible to "reprogram" a brain.
2015-10-02 7:39 pm
The mind is like a room full of closets. Some are neat and orderly. Some are cluttered and dusty. Animals have an advantage of only living in the present. So their memories are as few as their hopes and dreams. However, that leaves a lot of extra room, that is then put into focus on the present.
What mind category is your now in?
2015-10-02 2:51 am
Not exactly. Men's minds do have departments, tho (I'm not if those are the same things). For example, they think in compartments (e.g. first this, then second that, then third etc.), unlike woman who can think about a thousand things all at once!
The human mind, tho, does have files like the file of food, the file of technology, the file of colors etc. Hope that helps :)
2015-10-03 8:44 pm
The mind is the dynamic of the brain. Lets see if we can comprehend that. That means, if the brain was a pc computer the mind is a stream of code that intercepts data and separates it into "allocations". Or you could say the brain has a mind which filters light beams and waves and separates them into catagories, by splitting the light beams and waves. Because it splits them, they react and automatically go to their assigned "allocation" the same way a computer defragments.

The mind does not have catagories. Catagories come from the separation of information from pure energy. Like, chemicals. They all have a spot on the element chart thing. I forget what it's actually called, but like the elemental chart. These catagories exist already and when the reaction happens they separate into them. The catagories are not created from the mind, the catagories in a computer are things that were installed on to the computer. The mind can access catagories though.
2015-10-02 10:45 am

A mind which is empty on birth is filled gradually with knowledge, skills, feelings, interests etc. The sources for this knowledge and other things are parents, teachers, friends, news papers, books, videos, tv etc. Whatever it is and however it is these things form a nature. The nature is a character. When a character merges with a mind and reaches a unchangeable stage it’s become a nature. The feelings that merged during childhood never change so easily. It attains the state of a nature.

A human's mind is just a computer's mind. A computer's mind disappears as soon as the computer is destroyed completely. The same thing occurs to human beings.

A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.

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