Updating to WINDOWS 10 help?

2015-09-29 11:45 pm
I'm updating my

HP Pavilion DV7-2173CL laptop

( Originally Vista with free Windows 7 home edition upgrade)

and would like to know if can switch to a Samsung EVO SSD 250gb

i want a clean Install but i don't want to pay for WINDOWS 10,

is this possible .... i heard Microsoft Tracks your hardware and this could cause a problem.

has anybody done this before?

or should I update now them switch to the SSD and reactivate.?


回答 (1)

2015-10-01 8:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What you would need to do is to buy the drive and then clone your existing hard drive to the new SSD drive. You may need to buy a drive cable in order to do this unless you already have an external case to plug the SSD drive into. Once the cloning is completed you can switch the existing hard drive with the SSD drive and then restart the computer. Once it is up and running you can download the Windows 10 update. Of course before you buy the SSD you should check with HP to make sure it will be compatible.

If you are wanting to do a clean install with Windows 10 you need to do the standard update first so that you can get Windows 10 registered and activated on your laptop. Once you have done that Microsoft stores your registration information in the cloud. To do the clean install you run the Windows 10 update again and this time you select the option for not saving any of your current information. Windows will automatically retrieve the stored registration information from the cloud so you should not have to do anything. Be sure that you have backed up your files, as the clean install will wipe your hard drive clean.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:25:19
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