Why am I so bitter?

2015-09-29 7:30 pm
I find myself hating myself. I hate everything. Everything pisses me off. Then when i am in a good mood. someone makes a joke with me and if i dont smile or laugh- that person has to tell me "its a joke" - I know-maybe, i just didnt find it funny. I feel like this is a bad thing if people have to walk on eggshells around me. Boo-what fun is that? How and why did i become this way? sad thing is i have everything i want, there should be no need to be bitter or mad or dry or whatever.

回答 (39)

2015-09-29 9:00 pm
your life experiences made you hate yourself, that's why you're bitter and linked associations makes it worse. and like they say "if you can't love yourself how are others supposed to" whatever... everyone has a right to feel how they feel. I feel bitter all the time about life so trust me I know. I'm sure there are things that you don't feel bitter about focus on those things
2015-10-02 11:10 am
Rewards and motivation. You don't want anything badly enough anymore to be able to continue this charade of BS we are fed on a daily basis.
So you have lost hope.
Now it's perspective. You either find something and work towards it...or keep scratching away at what you are close to finding out...That we live in an open prison and life is an illusion we keep clinging too.
Forced to got to school for no wages from 5 years old to 18 years old...being groomed to then work 6 days a week until you are 80. And the time in between? More prison chores like 'responsibility etc'
We are born into it so don't know any different. All the morons who "love life" are still clinging on to make the best of it instead of admitting its fundamentally wrong. The ones who are comfortable will tell you 'life is great!" Ignoring the fact the massive problems we have. I fear your problem is that you have woken up and seen the reality....society as it is doesn't work. We are just fed more bs to keep us quiet while the ones doing the talking line their pockets. And also, that we have imprisoned ourselves to labour etc due to our insatiable desire to have more and more things etc. we have lost the whole point of being here.
2015-09-30 12:48 am
I understand completely. You aren't alone. Depending on what your taking, others actions, ect. I'd recommend trying to look a little bit more optimistic about things. No, you don't have to be all "I LOVE UNICORNS. LIFE IS AMAZING" yada yada. But try and think happy. I reccomend talking to someone about this such as a family member or a profession. Sometimes if it helps I will go in my room (when no one is home) I will just scream and let it all out. I also love to write and writing about what you are angry about helps. Then just tear the paper. It helps alot. People say up beat but music, but personally metal helps my anger. Do what ever you think helps. I hope this helps as well.
參考: LIFE.
2015-10-02 6:30 am
'...Why am I so bitter?...'

Are you putting up with bad behaviour from others?

Have your tolerance levels have gone? It is possible that up until this point you have been using your good humour in tolerating people with bad behaviour. And now your good humour has run out.

'..someone makes a joke with me and if i dont smile or laugh- that person has to tell me "its a joke"...'

They are looking for confirmation that they are ok. They have momentarily felt uncomfortable because you have not found it funny and this has called their intentions into question. Rather than reflecting on whether the joke itself may have been in bad taste or poorly delivered, they are now re-directing the focus onto you and your reaction. ie it is not them that is the problem it is you.

In the same way when someone comes up and demands a smile from another person. It is about making the person making the demand more comfortable with themselves despite how the other feels. It is pretty rude.

Look at boundary setting.

I agree with others, go and see a counselor or therapist.
2015-10-01 12:29 am
Most of this feeling either comes from playing too much videogames over playing in moderation, or it comes from going through a rough life where you recently loss someone important to you, on top of it, you just got through a rough childhood or are living in one, and the person's you have a crush on keeps ignoring you or you ended up being used in relations and you are just over all of it to the point where you are knumbed out. The best way to deal with such matters is to be more expressive towards others you know you can trust being open to. From there after you become comfortable, move on to working on progressing positive outputs towards your own life. I know it will be hard on you, but I also know you can do it! :) Compliment your appearance and your attributes about your self every day 5 things a day when you look into the mirror. Were on the same boat only I only say one compliment in the mirror after a shower. Hope this helps. :)
2015-10-02 6:43 am
I can't however put myself up to answer why YOU are bitter.
It's something that relates with you. something that I am totally out of bounds with.

But here's something...
If you think the rest of the people don't suit to your company...or that you don't suit with theirs.
Find a group that will. Find a set of people that understands the difference you have.
Just don't think about others too much...if you do...coz' you may not know if it's true or not

Try something new for a change...but please don't take up new stuff every day...
You make a decision, think and try out a new activity. play some ball or work outs.........BUT stick to it.
2015-09-30 12:02 pm
Experiences in life and disappointment.. Same here.. I never asked for the world.. It makes me bitter that everyone else around me is easily getting what I don't dare to dream of anymore... Life is exceptionally unfair...
2015-10-04 6:45 am
I feel the same way,none of us are born bitter it happens because of bad experiences and dealing with shitty people,best advice I can give is avoid negative people that bring you down and focus on ways you can make yourself happy,start off small one step at a time,spend your free time on hobbies you enjoy like making crafts or learn to play a musical instrument,maybe take some classes on a subject that you would enjoy and meet people you have something in common with,volunteer at an animal shelter,get a new pet to love and take care of,there is beauty and happiness in the world sometimes we just have to look for it
2015-10-02 8:18 pm
if my child said these things in this order (the first 3 sentences) i would believe they were on drugs. or had poisoned in some way. since you recognize there is no need to be bitter and dry about everything, your thoughts are occurring beyond your control. or you need a re-direct (happy, exciting activity) so those thoughts don't have a platform or fuel to keep proliferating.
2015-09-30 6:21 pm
I know how you feel if you think negative things then you will feel bitter Writing about your feeling also helps The main cause of feeling bitter is not feeling happy with yourself you feel like you are unfulfilled in some way maybe you are not in the stable relationship you want you don't have the job you want It is the disappointment Things like meditation can help Remember there is always someone out there worst than you

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