We have a adorable goldendoodle and we want to get another dog what would be a comparable dog for a goldendoodle?

2015-09-29 6:44 pm

回答 (4)

2015-09-29 6:49 pm
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I thought your current was 6 or 7 weeks old? Why do you own a pup at such a young age in the first place? Your dog is a mutt therefore his personality will NOT be predictable like a purebred. SO in short, you need to do your own research and figure out what best fits your lifestyle OR better yet wait until your current dog is older, trained and then maybe you can look into getting another.
2015-09-29 7:38 pm
Common sense would dictate that you first see how well you can deal with house training and general training your current puppy. You are already complaining about smelly breath, which is probably nothing compared to the other smells your dog will introduce into your house.

Dealing with two puppies at the same time is more than twice the work of a single puppy, particularly for somebody without experience. If your idea is that with a second dog you will have less work because the puppies will play with each others you are wrong. In addition it is unadvisable to raise two puppies at the same time since that can lead to behavioral problems. Google littermate syndrome for more info.

So the best companion for your dog is current you, and should stay you for the rest of the dog's life.
2015-09-29 9:44 pm


You already have a pup. Never get two pups together of any breeds.


It really isn't adviseable.
2015-09-29 7:44 pm
A poretriever?

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