What can I call someone who doesn't know Smartphones at all?

2015-09-29 12:21 pm
Informal words or slangs are OK

回答 (7)

2015-09-29 12:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a dinosaur
2015-09-29 8:29 pm
"Not internet addicted"
"has free time to not be bothered"
"spends less on phone service"
"has a life"
"has never got in a car accident because of ***** with a stupid phone when I should be watching the road"

Wow! those are all good things!

I have high speed internet at home and work, I have a regular cell phone if someone desperately needs me. Why would I waste money on a "smart" phone? sounds pretty dumb to me!
2015-09-29 1:47 pm
a Muggle. lol
2015-09-29 12:43 pm
Or maybe just economically challenged.
2015-09-29 12:26 pm
2016-08-13 8:05 am
參考: Free Government Mobile Phone : http://FreeCellPhones.iukiy.com/?KfoP
2015-10-02 3:00 pm
First time anybody called me a dinosaur.My 3 year old granddaughter knows about smartphones but I don't.My vision is too limited for these small phones.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:24:45
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