How to create a good future?

2015-09-29 7:46 am
Sacrifice the present?

回答 (91)

2015-09-29 12:27 pm
If you do not know how to live in the now, you cannot fix tomorrow. When it becomes now you will still be living in the next future.

That being said, "live fast and die young" is not a good plan. You create an either/or situation because you want to indulge your urges without restraint, which is a bad idea now and for the future.
2015-09-29 11:56 am
How to create a good future?
Sacrifice the present?

~~~ What amazing vanity to believe that "you create the future"!
How young...
Just precious! *__-

All there is is the 'present moment', Here! Now! Ever!
(Other than in your imagination/ego, of course.)
2015-10-02 6:23 am
Anxiety about the future is as other answers have pointed out one of the most common human problems in the human experience.

Define the problem as clearly as possible on paper. Having so many thoughts jangling around in your brain causes stress. Stress is things not done. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Make sure you work hard but also rest. If you are not in good shape with your health or sleepless that affects everything.

Most importantly you are still young, and you have plenty of time to make something of your life. Even old people like me have been through this multiple times in their life and we are still alive, still learning and still making contributions to our family and to the world at large. Don't make the mistake of think you have to have it all nailed down NOW and feeling like a failure if it's not. Life is a journey not a destination.

Relax, it will work out in the end as long as you keep a cool head and look after yourself.
2015-09-30 9:28 am
The future is created only in the present. What you do now creates your future.
2015-09-30 5:54 am
it is not easy to create a good future . hard work is the main thing you have to do for building a better future. second thing is planning. plan everything very well before going to do that. think twice when doing or telling something. take everything as positive
2015-09-30 5:00 am
Planning for the future is an important step to ensure your future happiness ... Get into good budgeting habits now in order to avoid debt problems in the future.
2015-09-29 11:17 pm
Well, no not exactly. It's true that the moment called now, is fleeting and elusive, and it could be okay to sacrifice something that will NOT change. But it would be just okay. The truth is stranger than fiction and that's why a lot of people prefer fiction. But Truth's "left overs" are persistent in time. Use the past to reflect and plan the future.
2015-09-29 8:18 pm
Go find a genie and wish for a good future. It's what I did 10 years ago and since then, my life could not have been better.
2015-09-29 6:53 pm
Well nothing to be scarified for a better future, but yes full fledged plan is required to make future not just secured, but stable enough for a longer time. Due to which strong financial base needs to be created for utilizing saved money in a best possible manner.
2015-09-29 8:09 am
To create a good future you have to sacrifice some interests, joys... in present.
You can't create your good future by enjoying your present period, can you?

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