What if there is nothing special about you, you are just a passive observer of reality?

2015-09-29 4:57 am

回答 (34)

2015-09-29 12:30 pm
Not what if. The self is an illusion. I am a collection of other people's ticks that has "self" awareness enough to know I am only that.

Every snowflake is unique. But every snowflake is not important.

But I cannot be a passive observer of reality because I get 30,000 hours worth of sensory data in a day and my mind picks and chooses what to see and blanks out the rest. That is not passive observation. We are all film editors.
2015-09-29 5:01 am
Perhaps being the passive observer is what is special
2015-09-29 1:06 pm
Two different ideas. Nothing special? I think that's generally right. But passive observer? No, we can all act and not just be passive.
2015-09-29 9:15 am
Reality, much like quantum events, is changed simply by the act of observing. You can't be a passive observer! Like it or not you are in the thick of it and that makes you, and what you do, important, special, and unique.
2015-10-01 7:52 pm
There have been many passive observers of reality. We call them philosophers. Many of them were very special and philosophy is still of critical importance today. Maybe you will become the next great philosopher.
2015-10-01 5:43 pm
U can never rly b a passive observer. Even by not interacting, u r making a choice that effects how things r. Some people have no desire to make any impact on the world and I don't blame them. It takes a lot of pressure off.
2015-10-01 3:51 pm
Everyone is created for a reason. There is no such thing as passive observer. We create the reality we live in. We make it.
2015-10-01 5:06 am
There is nothing special about anybody. We glorify things too much, be it celebrities, writers, regular folks, musicians etc. We will all perish and we will all be forgotten. Our statues will crumble to dust with us rotting beneath it. Thinking that some people are "special" is what causes unhappiness in others. We are all ordinary. We will all live. We will all die. Life is not as complex as people so desperately wish it to be. Life is ordinary. Find peace and love and happiness in ordinary things like walking while Autumn leaves swirl above you or laughing so hard you start to cry. Not in things like a "famous person" or having won one million dollars. Keep in mind that we are all ordinary, and you will disregard others' judgment and be happier in your own form. Best wishes, my friend.
2015-09-29 7:08 pm
There are two schools of thought about this:
1) We are all special.
2) No one is special.

The meanings are really the same.
2015-09-29 11:58 am
The 'special' thing is that we are all unique!
Every Perspective of the One unchanging Reality is unique! Every unique moment of Universal existence! *__-

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