My cat has a single black spot on the roof of her mouth and the rest is pink. She is a "mutt" and has long fur. Is this dot normal?

2015-09-28 1:59 pm

回答 (10)

2015-09-28 6:49 pm
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Black spots are merely pigment and can appear anywhere. Sometimes a pet will have several black spots in the mouth, other times just one or a few and also a pet can have an all black mouth or a black mouth with pink spots. Mixed breeds as well as purebreds often have black spots in their mouths.It's totally normal. I recall when a very young neighbor of mine asked her Mommy what the black spots meant. Her Mommy said it meant that their pet was very smart and very special.
2015-09-28 8:13 pm
Very normal. Both mixes/domestics and purebreds may have multicolor spots in their mouth. It doesn't prove purebred or mix.
2015-09-28 4:56 pm
I'd agree, it's probably just pigmentation and nothing at all to worry about. If it grows or changes nature you'd want to see the vet, but otherwise carry on as normal. One of ours has a black spot on her otherwise pink nose, it's simply pigmentation and nothing sinister. She has something similar inside one ear.
2015-09-28 2:27 pm
Most likely - that's generally pigmentation, just like they often have a spot of dark skin on their nose, or paw pads. It's worth keeping an eye on (making sure it doesn't become raised, or increase in size) and worth mentioning to the vet next time she goes in. But it is not likely to be something other than a colored spot. Still - it's something to keep an eye on.
2015-10-01 8:10 pm
Ask your cat how she feels about it;I guess she just won't care.
2015-09-29 5:23 pm
Yes, that is normal. I had a cat whose skin was mostly pink with patches of black. She had a little black speck on her pink nose, a black patch on the inside of her mouth, and she had pink paw pads except one toe pad was bLack.
2015-09-28 6:09 pm
Probably just pigmentation. My cats entire mouth is pink and black.
2015-09-28 5:25 pm
Its totally normal. Just like dogs, different breeds of cats have darker mouths. Its all genetic. It isn't something that you need to worry about.
2015-09-28 4:56 pm
My cat has some black areas in the roof of his mouth its normal.
2015-09-28 2:29 pm
I think it is normal. Or rather, I have had cats with black spots inside the mouth or on their gums or lips and there were never any problems from the spots.

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