Who will bow down to the TRUE Lord Jesus Christ and try to keep his commandments?

2015-09-28 1:28 pm

If you say no...one day you will regret it terribly and he will FORCE you to bow to him...


Then you WILL burn and die forever,


I meant will YOU bow down?


Jesus LOVES YOU ALL please dont do this to him

回答 (15)

2015-09-28 1:33 pm
2015-09-28 1:32 pm
Only the deluded.
2015-09-28 1:31 pm
Yep, he sounds like a real loving character all right, with hateful cünts like you representing him.

Go die in a fire.
2015-09-28 1:41 pm
I will as soon as he shows himself and then does a funny dance.
2015-09-28 1:45 pm
Christians don't even do that.
2015-09-28 1:55 pm
Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father.....One way or another all will bow to Christ the King. He is Lord.....He is God. .... we are just his creation
2015-09-28 1:37 pm
*God* is the True Lord, which makes your stinking 'jesus' = nothing .... nothing at all.

The only reason I would bow down to a 'jesus' is if I was going to use a chainsaw on his shins.
Otherwise, I would probably buy another box of 9-Inch-Nails, and hand it to the Romans.
2015-09-28 1:37 pm
All the no's are living there last days on this earth. All the yes's you will soon inherit this earth and Heaven for ever.
2015-09-28 1:36 pm
I have ever since I was baptized for the removal of my sins and added to the church of Christ.
2015-09-28 1:30 pm
Without doubt, only a true devotee of the Lord will do it.
參考: own
2015-09-28 2:56 pm
i try to do that every day
2015-09-28 2:03 pm
Not my lord
2015-09-28 2:01 pm
I will bow down to Jesus, praise his name, Halleluyah in the highest!
2015-09-28 4:01 pm
Since the almighty God, the creator of the universe, is Jehovah, that would be idolatry.
2015-09-28 2:34 pm
No thanks, Ishtar is sexier. Okay, why is Jesus so desperate to get people to bow down to him? That makes no sense. A human bowing cannot do anything for a god. What can he possibly gain by me bowing to him? It makes much more sense that some people trying to control other people for profit are very desperate to have everyone believe the same thing, and you have descended from that and are now pushing that faith.

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