Why doesn't the FBI investigate George Fckin' Bush for the 9/11 attack? his hands are bloody. He is GUILTY.?

2015-09-28 5:51 am

回答 (11)

2015-09-28 5:53 am
Even if he was guilty, the FBI wouldn't do anything, they work for people like him.
2015-09-30 6:40 pm
Because they can't. Currently 47 senators are pushing for the 28 pages declassified from 9/11 commission report. If they are released this year, he will go to prison. Every senator who has read it, says it implicates the Saudi Govn behind the attacks. Rand Paul is also part of that group.

Look up Bin Laden on the FBI website, no mention of 9/11. If any group kept this alive for the American people, it was the FBI. Look up everything I just mentioned with your own due diligence, and then comment on tin foil hats.
2015-09-28 6:07 am
Maybe because the FBI has the brains to know it was 19 Muslim hijackers. .....and not "thermite , controlled explosions, smoke machines, and holographic planes, like sheer IDIOTS believe.
2015-09-28 5:54 am
See how crazy liberals are, folks?
2015-09-28 5:55 am
Sure...walk away from the keyboard.
2015-09-28 5:53 am
Because they already know he's clean as a whistle

America loves G.W.B. and he loves us back

2015-09-28 1:00 pm
You seem to have convicted him already - why do we need an investigation?
2015-09-28 8:15 am
How is he guilty or do questions like this get in the way of your attitude?
2015-09-28 6:22 am
well... why would we leave this to the FBI? You can save so much money, eliminate the FBI, the CIA and homeland security while you are at it. You have such impeccable sources. And I bet you even know where Jimmy Hoffa's body is..
2015-09-28 6:00 am
The NEW NCSEA Structural Engineering Summit
September 30 - October 3, 2015, Red Rock Resort, Las Vegas

2015 marks the 1st NCSEA Structural Engineering Summit. The Summit is the new name for the NCSEA Annual Conference, which draws together the best in the structural engineering field. The Summit draws structural engineers, those interested in structural engineering, students and the companies providing products and services to the structural engineers.

The NCSEA Structural Engineering Summit features educational sessions specific to structural engineering, social and networking events, the NCSEA Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards, and the trade show.

Check out the Educational Sessions page for the 2015 slate of sessions and activities.

The host hotel, the Red Rock Resort, has sold out at the NCSEA group rate of $180 (plus $15 resort fee). For details on other hotel near by, with an NCSEA rate, click here.
2015-09-28 6:34 am
You dropped your tin foil hat,

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