how do i find a decimal from a mixed number?

2015-09-28 4:33 am

回答 (3)

2015-09-28 4:36 am
The whole number goes before the decimal point. The fraction gets turned into a decimal by dividing.

1½ = 1 + ½
= 1 + 5/10
= 1.5

7 3/4
= 7 + 3/4
= 7 + 0.75
= 7.75

If you aren't sure why 3/4 = 0.75, just divide:
.... 0.75
4 ) 3.00
..... 28
.... ------
...... 20
...... 20
...... ----
........ 0
2015-09-28 5:03 am
Use a calculator to divide the numerator by the denominator, then attach that to the whole number.
Suppose you have 2 1/16 as a mixed number.
1/16 = .0625
2.0625 is the decimal form of it.
2015-09-28 4:51 am
To change a fraction to a decimal , Divide the bottom into the top

2/3 = . 66666666666

3 4/5 = 19/5 = 3. 80

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:23:38
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