could I be pregnant?

2015-09-28 3:26 am
I'm 14 days late and I'm scared to see if I am.
But I've been experiencing morning sickness and been throwing up stomach acid. Also I've spotted 3 times all times very dark spotting.
What is it??

回答 (2)

2015-09-28 3:34 am
Firstly, have you had unprotected sex?

If not, then pregnancy is not likely at all.

If you are sexually active and use no protection, then no matter how scared you are, you need to take a pregnancy test. Finding out sooner than later is better.
Even if you use protection, you will need to take a pregnancy test as things fail.

Periods can be late or missed for many reasons, spotting, nausea, vomiting are not just pregnancy related, they are symptoms of many other things.

But if you are sexually active, the first thing you must do if you miss a period is take a pregnancy test no matter how scared you are.
2015-09-28 6:10 am
Being scared is perfectly normal, and that is fine… However that does not change the facts. You may be pregnant. A pregnancy test can show positive approximately 2 to 3 weeks after sex. Go ahead and take a test now. If it is negative, plan to take another test in about a week if your period has not arrived by then.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:27:05
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