Looking ugly as a kid?

2015-09-28 2:54 am
So i was looking at my old pictures, and i realised how ugly i look at the age of 13-14. I havent got my braces at that time and my face was so round and puffy. And my teeth were so crooked. And now my face is a lot slimmer with straight teeth because of the braces and i guess i grew up a lot. Anyway, so looking at these pictures make me think that people would think i got plastic surgery or something to look that different. And if my friends decided to post these pictures of me on any social media, i would be so dead... ughhh what should i do. I mean if they really do do that, i would try to pretend that it's nothing and laugh it off, but i dunno, i need advices.

回答 (3)

2015-09-28 3:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don't worry! Did you get plastic surgery? NO. Is it anyone's business if you did. NO. If you feel like you got more attractive, embrace IT! Braces are to better your teeth, right? Did they work? YES. You slimmed up? GREAT! You changed in appearance like any aging person. like be real, if they do post a pic of you and people say did you get plastic surgery? just simply say something like "Nope! But I can see why you say that haha!" Just joke ya know? And if some idiot is like "YOU GOT PLASTIC SURGERY LIAR" Ignore them or say "I honestly didn't, there's this thing called growing up. Your body changes, it's crazy stuff. Don't worry, it will happen to you :)" pull some passive aggressive sh*t on them! Be PROUD. Even if you're faking it till ya make it, screw others, and don't worry so much, okay? :)
2015-10-05 12:30 pm
Don't worry about what the others might think or say. Other kids change significantly during the years of puberty too, so it is not uncommon at all! And even if they post those pictures (although I don't understand why they would do such a thing as they are your friends) you should feel proud that you look the way you are now and not feel ashamed what you looked like as a kid! :)
2015-09-28 3:03 am

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