How does the average college graduate afford to live?

2015-09-28 1:09 am
ith the cost of student loans, the cost of living and the low starting salary typical of college grads depending on their major, how do they afford, and society expect them to buy houses, buy new cars, and pay off their loans and just overall live. Especially those that go for their masters and get more schooling?

Those that I do see with all of the above (ie condos nice cars and what not) and I know they have a lower salary I can't help but wonder how they do it?

回答 (4)

2015-10-06 4:15 pm
It all boils down to budgeting. Plus, it helps to choose a good repayment program for the student loans.

Read this,
2015-09-28 1:13 am
scholarships and financial aids
2015-09-28 1:12 am
ask your mom and dad duh or get a student loan and work part time as a waiter. easy breezy beautiful me hahah
2015-09-28 1:11 am
This conservative society expects that these benefits only go to the rich. According to conservative mythology, anyone without money is a useless parasite who had better figure out how to crush others in the rush to get ahead, or else be crushed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:23:46
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