This girl keeps looking at me?

2015-09-27 3:13 am
Okay so I am in grade 11 and there is this new girl in my school. She and I have our lockers in the same hall. Whenever I see I look around shes always looking at me. Also she looks like the girl who sleeps with people. Does she want to have sex or something??

btw shes hot


also im not that good looking...

回答 (5)

2015-09-27 3:21 am
No, she maybe thinks you're cute or she might have a social anxiety from coming to a new school. She might be afraid of you. Just ignore it and get your education. Get good grades. And get out of there!
2015-09-27 6:56 am
It sounds like she is interested in you. She is paying attention to you, and you two are hitting it off. She is noticing you, and is trying to get your attention. Talking to her would be a very good thing. Good luck.
2015-09-27 3:22 am
Maybe she thinks you're cute, maybe your nose is funny looking, maybe she knows you're a good guy who would love her for her personality and her body and she wishes she could have that. At her age, girls just have sex to please boys they like. Women don't reach their full sexuality until 20years. As opposed to boys who hit it at 15. It's unlikely she wants sex, she probably wants your attention which she is willing to trade for sex. Or maybe you weird her out and she likes dressing in skimpy clothes and that's it.
2015-09-27 3:22 am
Maybe she just thinks you're cute :I
2015-09-27 3:20 am
She's attracted to you.She likes you.She's interested in you and she wants you to make your move on her.Look at her and smile at her,give her a discrete wave.Go over and say "Hi,my name is Navin,I;d love to get to know you". Start asking her questions about her so you can learn all about her.Finds out what classes she's in.find out her interests,find out all about her.

You've got the best situation in the world.Its mutual attraction between you and her.Thats how it really happens.You've got it made.Its mutual between you and her.You're not going to get rejected unless you screw up.

Make your move real quick.Get it !

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