With the order and complexity of everything,yoi cannot logically say evolution is a viable idea.?

2015-09-26 10:40 pm

回答 (12)

2015-09-26 10:47 pm
Such a pity you have had such an appallingly bad education. That can, of course, be remedied but you will have to do some work. Evolution has nothing to do with the "order and complexity of everything", evolution is the change in alleles over time and that is well documented and observed. As you know so little about science and evolution as part of science, I suggest you start with "The Greatest Show on Earth" by Richard Dawkins. This is evolution from first principles and ideal for beginners. It will enlighten you by showing you a small part of the overwhelming evidence for evolution. The evidence is so strong that all the mainstream Christian religions accept it. It is only the poorly educated Bible literalists who reject science.
2015-09-26 10:54 pm
We can say that evolution is not a Bible teaching.
參考: Bible
2015-09-28 3:40 pm
The chemical bonds which combine various types of atoms into molecules are subject to entropy and eventually break down. Larger and more complex organic molecules have progressively weaker chemical bonds and inevitably decompose into small simpler units. Fortunately, the "recipe" for each and every molecule in an organism is stored within its DNA. During cell division, new molecules can be "grown" to replace those which have already decomposed. Thus, an aging organism is able to survive the decomposition of critical molecules.

DNA is the means by which living organisms defeat entropy. During sexual reproduction, each parent contributes a (hopefully) perfect copy of a random half of their DNA. This amounts to transporting the complete "recipe" for a new individual into the future -- which is how DNA is able to temporarily overcome the consequences of entropy and preserve the genetics of each species far, far longer than individual molecules or organisms can survive.

Entropy implies that all organic molecules eventually decompose, which means complexity should decrease -- and it does, which is why individual organisms must die. However, DNA amounts to nature's time machine and allows the genome of a species to survive far longer than any individual. Changes to that genome, over many generations, is literally the gradual evolution of a species, as it slowly adapts to its changing environment.

If you do not understand the principles of molecular biology, you are simply not qualified to express a valid opinion regarding the efficacy of evolution.
2015-09-27 12:33 am
They never really could as it cannot be found in nature.
2015-09-27 12:31 am
It is bs that some for reasons unknown want to validate,call it evil,Satan,whatever; nonetheless a lie.Micro maybe in some animals
2015-09-26 10:52 pm
Fail Troll is fail.

And obvious.
2015-09-27 1:48 am
Why not?
If that is true, why haven't you explained to us WHY that is not a logical thing to say?
2015-09-27 12:45 am
It's not only viable. It is proven, and has been for over a century and a half. All you have to do is read the proof. It's widely available in libraries.

And by reading Darwin's "The Origin of Species," you'll probably discover--if you comprehend what you're reading--that most of the stuff you've been told about the theory wasn't true in the first place. If you get the last (1872) edition, you'll also find that most of the creationist arguments against it were debunked long ago, by Darwin. They have hardly come up with anything new since; they simply repeat the old arguments and pretend they weren't answered.

How do I know this? I have read it. I'm still trying to get others to do so.
2015-09-27 12:14 am
Why not? Evolution is a Proved Viable Theory. It isn't an 'idea' anymore, it is way beyond that stage.
2015-09-26 10:47 pm
Its becoming easier to understand every day if you look at whats out there it is self evident , so is God once you get a hold of the energy that drives evolution soul the evolutional energy of goodness most call God .

search for goodness and string theory
2015-09-26 10:43 pm
So your argument is that it's so complex that you cannot understand therefore goddidit? Have you considered that if a god exists what purpose would he have for dumb creatures that cannot understand things?
2015-09-26 10:42 pm
Aka "it's too complicated to wrap my mind around, it must be magic."

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