Are prostitutes victims or "passive -aggressive" predators?

2015-09-26 9:27 pm

回答 (9)

2015-09-26 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, all the jobs as Professor of Plasma Physics at MIT were filled, so...
2015-09-27 5:42 pm
Please beware of the STDs before you go to prostitutes, especially INCURABLE very common HERPES (HSV2), Every 1 out of 6 People have it, since prostitutes have sex with so many they are most likely to have it and this virus can be contracted even if you wear a condom

Search the net for herpes and you will find the details

Please do not ruin your entire life by going to prostitutes for few minutes of fun, It's not worth it
2015-09-27 12:31 am
Prostitutes are predators in much the same way as spiders are predators.....lying in wait, silently for the next fly.
2015-09-26 10:54 pm
The two options are neither all inclusive or mutually exclusive.
For those that are not familiar with those terms, it means any given prostitute could be both, or neither.
2015-09-28 2:49 am
it depends if they are being forced into it or not
2015-09-27 4:24 am
Don't comment without knowing the full 🌕 story
2015-09-27 12:04 am
opportunist and passive -aggressive and victims and predators
depending on which ones you talk to
and some can be 2, 3or all 4 at the same time
2015-09-27 12:04 am
Mostly victims
2015-09-26 10:01 pm
How is a prostitute a "predator?"

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