i have 216 points and i am still a level one on yahoo answers. How many points do i need to become a level 2 ?

2015-09-26 6:17 am

回答 (6)

2015-09-26 10:46 am
Level 2 is 250 pts...........if you answer 20 questions, 2pts each........you're there.
2015-09-26 7:30 am
250, BTW you're probably down to 211 now since it just cost you 5pts to ask this.....next time you have a question about the site just look in the site FAQ

2015-09-26 10:50 pm
2015-09-26 6:20 am
you need 25o points to be level 2
2015-09-26 7:38 am
You need 34 points to Level 2
2015-09-27 2:12 am
To reach level 2 you need 25--999 points.

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