我未婚夫係澳洲人,我地嘅bb喺香港出世,宜家想幫快三個月大嘅bb申請 Australian citizenship by descent,但需要專業人士提供 identity declaration,而我又唔識任何專業人士,咁可以點?

2015-09-26 12:09 am

回答 (3)

2015-09-26 9:25 am
參考: 房佑璟律師 顏寧律師
2015-09-26 9:03 am
I assume you have read the following:


Based on your information, you have made some major mistakes:

1. No one really cares if you know any professionals. The key issue is the professional must know your fiancé for at least a year.

2. The list of professions is extensive and lenient (as it allows local non-citizen).

3. No one ever said the profession must be a local.

In this case, the easiest way is to ask your fiancé to get the identity declaration from Australia (it does not mean he has to return to Australia). Once it is done, the professional can send everything back to Hong Kong.
2015-09-26 1:34 am

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