I'm 16 with no friends?

2015-09-25 11:29 pm
So I'm 16 I live in Detroit and ever since I transferred to a new school I rarely have any friends . I go to a predominately all black school and they're not welcoming at all . Everyone is already cliqued up and all the girls either have attitude problems or just plain loud ghetto and as people say "ratchet". All my friends I did have transferred to a new school and turned fake on me . They act like I'm a burden and don't want to be bothered . For ex : they don't text or call , they don't invite me over or anywhere at all , they don't tag me in their post anymore they basically slowly but surely cut me off . I only have 1 girl I hang with and she doesn't deal with me outside of school . While we're in school all she does is talk about her boyfriend alllll day and she's friends with girls who don't like me . I get my car in January but what's the use if I have no friends ? Yes I joined a dance team but I only deal with them when we're at practice other than that I have ZERO friends. I have nowhere to go . I'm really feeling sad because I always thought I would have a fun social life and do things teenagers do but I thought wrong . I stay in the house every weekend . I stay on my phone 24/7 and watch other people have fun . This is not the life I wanted what should I do ? I want to be a fun outgoing social teenager before I have to become a adult .

回答 (3)

2015-09-25 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Not having friends IS NOT a bad thing. Just be who you are...ALWAYS!

People use the word "friends" too often. While you may "know" a lot of people, very few of them can ever be considered a true friend.

When you think about it, the fewer "friends" you have the better, not the other way around. There is only one of you. If you try to divide yourself up between 20 people you will never really be a friend to any of them. The same goes for 10 people...maybe even 5. But if you can be a good friend to 2-4 people you'll have a better relationship with them than anyone else.

I fail to see just how you are on the phone 24/7...that is IMPOSSIBLE. Who are these people you are watching have fun? Why aren't you a part of that group? Better yet, why haven't you started your OWN group? All you have to do is find 1 person you have something (outside of school) in common with (like a hobby).

Good luck!
2015-09-25 11:46 pm
make friends
2015-09-25 11:34 pm
How about you join something outside of school? Like a soccer team to something, idk. You can make friends out of school, get more confidence, and then make friends in school. Don't worry about it too much. High school is tough for everyone. Also try reaching out to people you don't know? Even if you just smile at them or say hi, it will help I think. But don't let school take over your life. You will make friends eventually.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:36:58
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