Help!? Is it bad that I've been unintentionally eating unpasteurised cheese whilst pregnant!?

2015-09-25 6:08 pm
I'm 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant and I've been trying so damn hard to be as safe as I can during pregnancy I'm terrified of loosing my baby, even after the 13 weeks scan I had I'm still so nervous
Anyway, I'm From an Italian family so we eat Parmesan religiously all the time I googled repeatedly if Parmesan is safe to have whilst pregnant and everything said yes as it was a hard cheese! Anyway I just skimmed the back of a Parmesan packet we usually buy which is from Italy and it says in bold "made with unpasteurised milk" not going to lie I'm emotional so had a long cry and frantic moment, I've eaten so much throughout the whole pregnancy and whilst being abroad in Spain at resturants whilst pregnant! Terrified of listeria or harming my baby, I've had allot of reassurance but is their anyone who could explain if this is really bad or okay? I'm terrified I could have listeria without knowing, thanks

回答 (5)

2015-09-25 6:41 pm
If you had listeria you'd know it because you'd be deathly ill. You need to chill out. Even if you eat that cheese everyday throughout your entire pregnancy your odds of getting listeria from it are less than 1%. You need to stay off of google.
2015-09-25 7:00 pm
Get a grip Italy would have no people if this were a big did the world become overpopulated if everything a mother ate was a death sentence for her fetus. I might add diet does NOT cause miscarriage
2015-09-25 7:05 pm
Calm down, you'll be fine.
2015-09-25 6:17 pm
You're totally fine! The unpasteurized cheese thing is just a precaution, one mostly adhered to in countries where unpasteurized cheese isn't the norm anyway (like America). It's like the no-sushi rule: you can break it if you're sure the food is from a safe and reputable source.

My doctor is very lax about those "rules." She says it's just to try and prevent food poisoning and other food-borne illness, but that it can really happen from anything (it's just that it's slightly more common in those foods). If you've been eating it all along, and you trust where it's from, you'll be okay. I still eat most kinds of sushi, in fact, and did with my first baby as well, because I trusted where I was getting it from.

Other women in other countries eat unpasteurized cheese their entire pregnancies, with no ill effects whatsoever. Still, if it'll ease your worries, you can just switch now and stay away from them till after your baby is born.

Either way, I wouldn't worry. :) And congrats on your pregnancy!
2015-09-25 7:38 pm
If you had listeria you WOULD know it.
Listeria is a very small risk --- but usually an avoidable one, which is why they recommend avoiding foods that might be contaminated.
(And aged, hard cheeses are very low risk anyway.)

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