My dog is bloated and keeps leaning on her one side, she keeps whining like she's in pain and rubbing her face against the wall and floor?

2015-09-25 5:57 pm
She runs around whimpering and rubbing her face and side against the walls and acting alnost restless, I'm not sure what's wrong and I can't find any answers, pls help!!

回答 (13)

2015-09-25 9:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Vet as fast as you can get there. I lost a dog to bloat & it left me with a gigantic sense of guilt. He was a large breed dog & I had no help & I could not get him to a Vet. My guilt is extreme & very over whelming. I had to take medication to put me to sleep that night & he was dead the next morning. I know he was in such a great pain & I could do nothing. Vet would NOT do a house call.

Please don't take the time to read the following, go to the Vet now. & read this when you return.
2015-09-25 6:22 pm
If this dog has BLOAT - this is an emergency!

You need to log off of the computer, load your dog up in the car - and call your vet on the way to the vet clinic and tell them that you have an emergency.
2015-09-25 6:42 pm
Probably bloat. She's going to die unless you get her emergency vet care.
2015-09-25 5:59 pm
You need to get her to the vet. Her stomach MIGHT be twisted and that is deadly. I wouldn't wait I'd have hauled it to the vet instead of wanting people to play the part of your brain.
參考: it's something known as common sense.
2015-09-26 5:07 pm
No one, including a vet, can diagnose/treat your dog without examining it, least of all YA, take it to a vet, instead of allowing it to suffer.
2015-09-25 9:24 pm
It could be bloat it needs vet attention ASAP! It will be deadly if not dealt with NOW!
2015-09-25 8:10 pm
She IS in pain, this is how dogs show it. Get the dog out to your car and go to the vet with her. Don't wait, the longer you do the more twisted the intestines get and the more agony the dog suffers.
2015-09-25 7:39 pm
2015-09-25 7:07 pm
Get your dog to a vet right away. Actual bloat can be life threatening.
2015-09-25 6:21 pm
Then take the animal to the vets as any other sane owner would Otherwise you stand to loose the dog to bloat. perhaps
2015-09-25 6:57 pm
wellness check with your vet
2015-12-10 6:17 am
Update she's fine now, thanks everyone
參考: It was my question anyway
2015-09-25 11:28 pm
Her face is itchy. Her sides itch, too. If she was truly bloated, as in about to die from Bloat, she wouldn't be running around.

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