How do you write a conclusion for a persuasive essay??

2015-09-25 5:36 pm
my essay is about how we should stop remaking hollywood classics and i've talked about how and why the films are unoriginal and have a predictable plot and went on to say stuff about films such as footloose and annie being remade and my last paragraph was about over made films and i have absolutely no clue whatsoever on how to write a conclusion. like, at all

回答 (4)

2015-09-25 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In a conclusion paragraph you are supposed to round up everything. What did you talk about in each of the body paragraphs; what is your point?

It might help to think about the way an essay is supposed to be written. The three parts are the introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction is like the beginning of a conversation, and the thesis, which is located at the end of the paragraph, tells the audience what you're going to talk about in each body paragraph. The body paragraphs talk about each of the things mentioned in the thesis; paragraph 1 is about thing A, paragraph 2 is about thing B... Then, the conclusion sums everything up; you review everything you spoke of, and you tell how it all adds up to what you're saying.

A basic idea of an essay is that from the introduction it opens up, spreads out; then the conclusion brings everything back together
參考: Bachelor's degree in English, and Creative Writing minor
2015-09-25 6:07 pm
The great Hollywood classics are pieces of cinematography that are still treasured today (and rightly so). However it's time to bravely break the cookie cutter moulds that are being used for cinematic plot development.
The time is nigh for film makers to eliminate the stereotypes and "boldly go where no man has gone before", by taking the risk to make an original movie.
2015-09-25 5:39 pm
Your conclusion should be similar to your intro. You want to restate your thesis (use different words) and give the points that support it. Don't bring up any new info in the conclusion.
2015-09-25 5:38 pm
Use your brain cell

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:25:21
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