Are there or were bullies with good grades at school?

2015-09-25 12:47 pm

Naturally bullies are dumb,idiots and hypocrites but I'm wonder if are bullies that are actually smart I'm curious.

回答 (10)

2015-09-25 12:48 pm
The most obnoxious and snottiest kids I encountered were the ones in the Advanced Placement classes.
2015-09-25 1:01 pm
Yeah. They are bullies who have bad grades and than they are bullies who are smart. Most bullies are popular or have a lot of friends.
2015-09-25 12:53 pm
None of the bullies at my school are smart. They're all boneheads in the bottom classes for everything :)
2015-09-26 8:15 pm
most bullies struggle academically, but not always
2015-09-25 1:24 pm
Yes, me
2015-09-25 1:23 pm
Yes there not all dumb
2015-09-25 1:12 pm
2015-09-25 1:09 pm
Yes. And the teachers favored them that's why they got away with the bullying.
2015-09-25 12:57 pm
I only knew one bully who was smart and top of the class. The rest were losers who ended up as teen daddy's and mommy's. They usually have bad home lives with very little parenting (if any at all).
2015-09-25 12:57 pm
Bullies are usually people that have a low IQ.

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