
2015-09-23 4:19 pm
A mystery over just how Hong Kong soccer fans will be able to catch English Premier League action next season seems to have ended with a dramatic conclusion as the current broadcaster and the internet company that has acquired the rights reach an agreement.

1. 句子入面over just how... 唔太明咩意思同over just how點用

2. that has acquired the rights reach an agreement.唔太明咩意思

回答 (2)

2015-09-24 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
To analysis into parts=SVO;
A mystery-----S
over just how---------adj phr introduced by relative adv."how"
(HK soccer fans will be able to catch Eng Premier League action next season)
seems to have ended--------V
(with a dramatic conclusion)
as------adv to" reach"
(the current broadcaster&the internet company that has acquired the rights)
reach an agreement--------O
The co-ordinate cl. as O used in this pattern:-
When B&I reach an agreement,------co-ordinate cl. as O
a mystery ends.------------SV
2015-09-23 4:30 pm
Let me break the sentence down for you:

A mystery {X = over just how Hong Kong soccer fans will be able to catch English Premier League action next season} seems to have ended {Y = with a dramatic conclusion}
as {Z = the current broadcaster and the internet company that has acquired the rights}
reach an agreement.

let's ignore X, Y, and Z first. Then, your line can be read:

A mystery {X} seems to have ended {Y} as {Z} reach an agreement.
意思是:當{Z}達到協議的時候,{X}的一個迷思 似乎就{Y}結束了.

X=就是關於 下一個球季,香港球迷們要怎樣去看"英國高檔球盟"的比賽


1.句子入面over just how..

2.that has acquired the rights reach an agreement.
這段的前半與後半是 在說 不同的東東.
"that has acquired the rights" 是關係子句 用來代表 "the internet company"
後半段 "reach an agreement"是說:
broadcaster 與the internet company "達成協議".


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