my jack russell terrior ate a squeeky toy! all of it!?

2015-09-23 11:56 am
yesterday my jrt ate his squeeky toy, he started vomitting few hours later and the small pieces didnt come out. today he was acting normal and doing fine? is he okay?!

im so worried!! his only 5 years old

回答 (6)

2015-09-23 12:11 pm
That's Jack Russell TERRIER or JRT for short.

Why weren't your supervising like you were suppose to?

Call your vet immediately it may need emergency surgery to save it's life for an intestinal blockage.

In the future, if it survives, Never give it anything without supervision.

That's why my two JRT's aren't given any toys. Only balls when playing fetch, Kong Extreme, and Raw Marrow bones, all under supervision.

We aren't vets, not even a vet can tell you if he's okay without examining it and x-rays, least of all YA, VET ASAP.

For the dogs sake I hope he will okay. Chalk this up to a learning experience.
2015-09-23 12:02 pm
You could take him to your vet - he will be able to palpate (or even x-ray) to find out whether this has caused a blockage, but frankly all you can do is keep a close eye on how he is in the next hours in terms of having a BM, and if he's in obvious trouble, then see your vet. Hopefully it will pass on through, but this doesn't always happen and your vet may have to operate. Your decision but if you get him checked by your vet, it should give you peace of mind.
2015-09-23 1:45 pm
If your dog eats anything he shouldnt you take him straight to the vet so they can safely remove it from his stomach.
Its no good being desperately worried and just looking at the dog. It doesnt achieve anything. Now all that plastic is in his digestive system and if it causes a blockage it will need expensive and dangerous bowel surgery to remove it.
Take him to the vet now and let them check him out. You cant tell anything by just looking at him.
2015-09-23 1:33 pm
You need to get him to the vet - and now. The toy may cause an intestinal blockage, and may need to be surgically removed. The quicker you get him to the vet the better, and if it is a blockage or going to cause a blockage, he's going to become unable to eat nor pass stool. The fact that he is "acting OK" means nothing. A dog's digestive system is not meant to handle a squeaky toy. This is really an emergency, and will potentially become much more serious the longer you wait.
2015-09-23 12:03 pm
I sure he will poo the rest of it out today.check his poops.if not perhaps see a vet
2015-09-23 11:59 am
but his acting okay, do u think i should go?

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