This b!tch kept staring at me and it s so annoying? (i m a girl)?

2015-09-23 7:53 am
So there is this high school girl on the bus who keep staring at my friends and i every single time we are on the bus. If i m sitting in front of her, i can t see her face, so thats not a problem. But when she sits in front of me, she keep on turning her head and staring. So when she does that, i would stare right back until she turn around. But like i find it very annoying and rude. I mean, anyone with common sense, or some respect would not do that, right? And it s not like nice kinda stare, is like "i m judging you, you b!tch" kinda stare. There are times when i actually want to go up to her and ask her wtf is wrong with her, but i never did. What should i do?

回答 (7)

2015-09-23 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
The best way, and most annoying to them, is to pretend you can't see them. They depend on getting a reaction out of you, and if you don't react, they get mad and then leave you alone. Problem solved.
2015-09-23 7:56 am
Perhaps you're being too loud, shrill, or annoying. That's the main reason most people turn around and glare at strangers on a bus.
2016-12-16 9:10 am
Ima Girl
2015-09-23 3:15 pm
like it or not she has the right to look at who-ever she likes, yes it is rude but its not hurting you, just ignore her.
if she is making it obvious she is looking at you, then its clear she wants a reaction from you
2015-09-23 8:42 am
I have one idea that so far no one else mentioned. Maybe she finds you interesting and wants to talk to you but is scared to say anything to you out of fear of rejection. And sometimes facial expressions don't always convey how the person is really feeling. So my suggestion is the next time you catch her staring, just say Hi I'm (Insert your name here) what's up? And get her to talk to you. I'll bet you that would resolve everything here and in the process you might make a new friend :) Please don't do some of the mean rude things that some of the other people have suggested for you to do. It doesn't kill a person to be nice to someone else. Try to imagine if it was you and you were scared to start a conversation with someone and that person was mean back to you
2015-09-23 8:02 am
why do you care where she looks?
if you can see her looking at you than you are obviously looking at her; so maybe you should look somewhere else so you dont see her.
honestly those what is the big deal?...she is looking at you...that's it...she isnt doing anything wrong.
let it go.
2015-09-23 8:01 am
you should ask her "what the f*ck are you lookin at?" or maybe say "why are you starin at me?", i know it may seem hard, but its probably a good idea if you want her to stop staring. its sounds cheezy but i Believe in you. Believe in yourself. if you dont want to do any off the above, try sit at the front off the bus, i mean absolutley the front, you cant see her, and its hard for her too see you.

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