黃生在大陸與朋友有合資公司, 因合約問題與客人有糾紛, 但已解決並已退出該公司 - 請譯英文 URGENT, THANKS.?

2015-09-22 11:19 am

回答 (1)

2015-09-22 12:45 pm
黃先生在大陸與朋友有合資公司, 因合約問題與客人有糾紛, 但已解決並已退出該公司

Mr. Ng used to be in a join venture with his pals in China.
But thanks to a few contractual problems with his clients, he quit the venture after having all issued resolved.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 00:18:57
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