Clear/white discharge?!?

2015-09-22 12:39 am
So I've been having this clearing whitish discharge coming from down there and I haven't got my period yet. Does anyone know why this is Happening?

回答 (2)

2015-09-22 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When your vagina is healthy, it naturally produces secretions of discharge that keeps the vagina clean, lubricated, and free from infection. Normal vaginal discharge can vary in texture and colour – it can be thin, sticky or elastic or thick and gooey and it’s usually white or clear in colour. It can also turn a yellowy colour when dried in your panties. Normal discharge might have a slight odour which can be caused by thing like: your diet, sweat, hormonal changes etc. As long as there is no itching, burning, pain or a strong/foul smell then you are fine.

You can read more about vaginal discharge here:
2015-09-22 12:44 am
You will have that type of discharge for the rest of your life. It is 100% normal, every woman has it. You will likely get your period within 12-18 months of your discharge starting.

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