are we all gonna die on Wednesday?

2015-09-21 9:54 pm

回答 (6)

2015-09-21 10:04 pm
Ask again on Thursday.

Thursday update: Q.E.D.
2015-09-24 3:37 am
I guess that might depend upon what time zone you are in. It is now 9:32 CST on Wednesday, and I'm not dead yet. Of course, I still have over 2-1/2 hours to go until it is 12:01 a.m. Thursday morning, so I might die before then.
On the other hand, people on EST will have died an hour before I do.
2015-09-22 4:04 am
Perhaps... Never can tell.
2015-09-22 12:21 am
Another doomsday scare, huh? What is it this time, global warming again? A comet? An imaginary planet like last time? Wait, how about a zombie apocalypse like all those video games?

Anyway, the answer is probably not. You're obviously new at this stuff, because some idiot predicts a doomsday every few years.
2015-09-21 10:07 pm
At least if we do we'll have a bus load.
2015-09-21 9:56 pm
No, but I might upload my first YouTube video.

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