PLEASE HELP QUICK! Examine the weaknesses of weimar republic in germany?

2015-09-21 1:25 pm

回答 (3)

2015-09-21 1:40 pm
Germany did very well with the Help of the USA the Young and Dawes Plan saw to that even after the US great depression Germany was still doing well with this
2015-09-21 3:50 pm
Any government would have had a hard time after WWI. The war had been ruinously expensive. The Versailles Treaty stripped Germany of her colonies and demanded stiff reparations at the same time.
The Army and the Navy resented the 'weakness' of the government. It was too democratic. A secret Navy operation founded the Nazis, which spouted the propaganda that the war had been lost by a knife in the back. This referred to the Kronstadt naval mutiny that caused the Kaiser to abdicate. It had nothing to do with Jews, but never mind, the Jews had to be responsible. The government never told people why the war was lost. This left Nazis and other extremists groups plenty of space to spout hate propaganda.
The war liberated many groups, such as gays, transvestites, artists, bohemian and prostitutes from conventional standards. This left conservatives fuming and raving about the moral collapse of German society. Sound familiar? The Weimar government was very liberal, more liberal than the United States.
But the inflation was horrible and caused many middle class people to lose their pensions and property. These people became working class or even poorer than that.
When the economy was strong, as it was in 1927-1929, the Nazis were weak. When the economy was weak, the Nazis were strong. People's understanding of economic problems is still fairly poor (economics is not an easy science), and it was then. Popular resentment looked for scapegoats. Today Americans blame Mexicans. Then it was Jews.
2015-09-21 5:02 pm
All of the speed of bureaucracy, none of the advantages.
2015-09-21 2:47 pm
No thanks, I am busy

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