I hear that people who use Crystal Meth are totally fine, but only get bad when they STOP using it. My friend used it & stopped and well..?

2015-09-21 8:54 am
she NEVER got better after quitting. I know it's bad and all, but.. my friend was on it, quit, but even after 5 years of not using, she still has severe paranoia, inability to trust loved ones, etc.. before the meth and during the meth, she was OK.

So HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING, (not that I'm actually gonna try this), would she be fine if she got out of the hospital and I gave her only a tiny dosage of crystal meth once per day. Hypothetically speaking, would that bring her back to her old self better than staying off meth completely?

回答 (4)

2015-09-21 3:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
That is totally false. Sounds like something a drug dealer would say to get you addicted. Meth causes permanent damage, that is why they don't always get better when they stop.

A person that only uses it occasionally can recover, but a person that uses it frequently over a long period of time may never recover because the damage is already done.
參考: Law enforcement since 1991
2015-09-21 9:20 am
No. Meth causes brain damage, loss of teeth, hair loss and sores to form all over the body ending with early death. She's lucky she has teeth but sounds like she has the brain damage. If she did it longer she would become a moron.
2015-09-21 1:27 pm
If VISIBLE symptoms appear when you stop using something, you are addicted. If you are addicted, you are NOT fine.
You may as well say stage 1 and stage 2 cancer patients are fine, and they only get bad when they reach stage 3.
Lack of VISIBLE symptoms doesn't mean you are fine.
2015-09-21 2:01 pm
That's not true.

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