Dry mouth or diabetes?

2015-09-21 8:05 am
I have been VERY thirsty over the past couple of weeks and it has me a bit worried. I have been very hydrated and healthy so it couldn t be diabetes because i have no family history on either side, could it? Or could it just be dry mouth cus my tongue feels dry and my throat is as well, im also tired too?

回答 (6)

2016-09-14 11:25 am
參考: The Complete Diabetes Solution : http://DiabetesGoFar.com/?YEPS
2016-03-06 8:35 am
Shocking New Diabetes Research Revealed - http://Diabetes.neatprim.com
2016-02-16 12:22 am
Doctors Reverse Diabetes Without Drugs - http://Help.DiabetesGoGo.com
2016-01-21 6:55 pm
Many common natural remedies are claimed to have blood sugar lowering properties that make them useful for people with or at high risk of diabetes. Learn here https://tr.im/diabetestreat

A number of clinical studies have been carried out in recent years that show potential links between herbal therapies and improved blood glucose control, which has led to an increase in people with diabetes using these more 'natural' ingredients to help manage their condition.
2015-09-21 12:50 pm
There is more to diabetes than just being thirsty, weight gain and problems losing weight is the first, peeing a lot is another but i am diabetic and never thirsty but you wont now till you get a blood test,Good Luck
2015-09-21 8:35 am
Well it doesn't matter if you have no history of diabetes in you're family you can still get it. On the other hand I can tell you I am guessing it's from whatever you are eating... What have you been eating? How is you're diet? Maybe you need a cleaner diet.

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