why do i always feel like I'm under threat or something bad is going to happen?

2015-09-20 9:44 pm
Why do i always feel like something bad is going to happen or someone else would intend for something bad to happen. Like I always think about when i grow up and getting my own apartment and my dream job and then i think well what if that doesn't happen? what if a huge bomb falls over my home? what if i get pulled out of school one day to be told that my parents didn't make it home? what if I get cancer? all these negative thoughts bounce around my head all the time, what is it? and how do i over come it? (I'm only 13 btw)

回答 (5)

2015-09-21 12:29 am
This might be happening because you have a high background anxiety level but there might be more to it. Try dismissing these thoughts as ones that aren't of any value. Don't try to make sense of them because that just gives them life and makes them powerful. Instead, just accept them and dismiss them. That works for me and has made a huge difference in my life.
2015-09-20 10:21 pm
2015-09-20 9:48 pm
Maybe some event in your childhood caused this thinking. Maybe one of your parents was like this as well and you copied that behavior. I'm no psychologist but it also could be unreasoned fear or low self-esteem. Speakingnof which, you should see one to get proffessional advice
2015-09-20 9:46 pm
Perhaps a fear of the unknown.

Related: "The Answer You're Looking for Is inside You," "Man's Search for Meaning."
2015-09-20 9:46 pm
You need to see a doctor. These could all be signs of anxiety, depression, paranoia, and OCD.
參考: myself because I have all of the above disorders

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:17:11
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