Please help?

2015-09-20 2:12 pm
Can you get hpv that leads to cervical cancer if you have sex but you're only 14-15 ?

回答 (8)

2015-09-20 2:53 pm
Age gives you no protection against any sexually transmitted diseases.
Celibacy and safe sex are your choices.
At 14, I would recommend celibacy for a few years.
2015-09-20 3:03 pm
Of course and that is why you get the HPV jab to help protect you and the more partners you have the higher chance of cervical cancer, Good Luck
2015-09-20 2:16 pm
Always practice safe sex. Any age.
2015-09-20 6:51 pm
2015-09-20 2:13 pm
Yes it's very common
2015-09-20 4:02 pm
Everybody gets an hpv from any kind of human contact. It's only a potential problem in the rare event that it doesn't go away after many years without getting regular pap smears.
2015-10-09 6:37 pm
New research suggests that cervical cancer is not actually caused by HPV at all:

HPV probably became associated with cervical cancer because as much as 80% of the population have carried the virus at some time (usually without symptoms) so the two are likely to be found together, but also because they are likely to both be effects of the same cause, i.e. tampon use.

Man-made carcinogenic chemicals are the primary cause of many cancers and it's likely that cervical cancer is one of them. Tampons, especially the extra-absorbent ones, tend to contain such chemicals:

Tampons are also linked to an increased incidence of HPV. It is thought that they allow oxygen to get to the vagina/cervix which the virus needs to replicate.

Of course, since the HPV vaccine is such a money-spinner for the pharmaceutical industry, the HPV-cancer cause-effect paradigm is not likely to go away any time soon.
2015-09-21 12:34 am
If you are infected with one of the strains of HPV that causes cancer (there are multiple strains, and only some are connected to an increased cancer risk), then you are at an increased risk of developing cancer. It does not matter how old you were when you were infected, nor what the infection pathway was.

Of course, it does have to be sex for cervical cancer, but you can get head and neck and anal cancers from HPV as well, so any sexual contact with a person who is infectious may expose you as well.

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