How can I lower my car insurance?

2015-09-20 11:42 am
I raised all my deductibles, changed the mileage I claim( I had it very high before), and changed my liabilities to the bottom requirements, and they RAISED my freakin prices. I compared premiums to all the other companies I could think of, farmers, geico, etc, ( I have USAA). How can I really change my price? I feel like Im being robbed I have used them for 2 years and I have never had accidents. wth

回答 (4)

2015-09-20 7:34 pm
There is no such thing as cheap auto insurance. There are so many auto accidents every year that require insurance companies to pay out that rates have to be high to cover all those payouts. Even though you are a good driver, you still have to share in the high cost created by the sins of your fellow drivers. It's not fair but that's the way it works.

Think about it this way. Insurance is for your own protection. For the price of your insurance premium you are protecting yourself from thousands of dollars of charges against you (if you cause an accident) if you didn't have insurance. Of course, nobody ever thinks they'll cause an accident or even be involved in one. But it happens many times every day.
2015-09-20 3:47 pm
Your only hope is to get old and drive a long time without crashing. And guess what, you'll still see it go up year after year. Welcome to reality.

You're stuck, and you already know your options. Owning and driving a vehicle aren't human rights, they're something people can do if they can afford the costs. And insurance isn't a public service, it's a business. And even in places where it is a public service (like Manitoba or BC in Canada), it's still not any cheaper.

There's no such thing as an insurance company that's a whole lot cheaper than all the rest, and anybody who finds one also finds out later that they've fallen for a scam. (Scammers love posing as cut rate insurance providers)
2015-09-20 2:30 pm
You can move to a place where insurance costs less.

You cannot live in a place where insurance is high and have insurance that is lower. You can do only one of the other. If you want lower insurance prices, then you have to live where insurance is lower.
2015-09-20 2:24 pm
Insurance rates are based on the driver's age, driving record and historical data of drivers in general in your area. All you can do is shop around.
2015-09-20 11:45 am
Welcome to the world of automobile insurance.

Sometimes your insurance rate will rise for no apparent reason ( although the insurance company will likely tell you it is because of increased claims ). You can shop around to try to find better rates but in the end, auto insurance is legally required necessary evil and you're stuck paying whatever they ask if you want to continue driving.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:16:21
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